Principal's Message - 23rd April

Dear Queenscliff Parents and Carers,

Welcome back! I hope all of our students and families had a relaxing and enjoyable Easter break. I have enjoyed hearing about students’ holiday adventures over the past week, including trips to Sydney, New Zealand, Apollo Bay and Tasmania. As daylight savings concluded over the break, Autumn has certainly made its presence felt with cooler temperatures and rainfall. Our students will no longer need to wear a hat during break times for Term 2 and Term 3.

Congratulations to all of our Excellence Certificate recipients at our final assembly of Term 1. Students who have earned 10 Excellence Stamps in their diaries were presented with an Excellence Certificate by their classroom teacher at our final assembly. I was incredibly proud to see so many students achieve their certificates after a term of displaying effort, persistence, kindness, empathy and optimism at school. Congratulations!

Solar Panel Installation

At our final assembly of Term 1, we had Queenscliff Music Festival present a cheque of $10,000 to our school to support the solar panel installation, as part of the Greener Government Schools Grant. Their contribution will go towards the upfront costs associated with the installation. Bellarine State Member of Parliament, Alison Marchant, Deputy President of Queenscliff Music Festival, Fran Briard, Queenscliff Music Festival Board Member, Chris Longmore, our former School Council President, Sharna Thomason and QCAN Representative, Nathan Ulph, joined us for the special occasion. The presentation was captured by the Bellarine Times with a front page article - Community donation provides installation go-ahead - Bellarine Times ( Over the break, we had our solar panels installed successfully on our roof. We are delighted with the outcome and look forward to educating our students on how solar energy supports action against climate change and making further improvements to our school to foster a sustainable future for our community.

Welcome to our new Business Manager

I would like to welcome Tansy Young, our new Business Manager. Tansy has commenced her appointment at Queenscliff Primary School. She brings a wealth of knowledge, experience and passion to the role and she will be an asset to our school.

Term 3 Staffing Changes

Mrs. Laura Atkins, and her partner, Tom, are expecting the birth of their first child in August. I would like to congratulate both Laura and Tom on this exciting news and we wish them all the best for starting the next chapter of their lives.

As a result, Laura will be taking parental leave at the beginning of Term 3. Mrs. Morgan-Lee Hickey has been appointed the Year 2 Classroom Teacher for the remainder of the school year. Mrs. Melanie Vistarini will become the Tutor Learning Initiative Teacher on Mondays and Thursdays, whilst continuing to deliver the Science/STEM specialist program. Our school will undertake a recruitment process to employ a teacher for 5/6PH on Monday and Tuesdays for Term 3 and Term 4.

Grounds and Gardens

Over the break, the Grounds and Gardens committee met to begin the planning process for designing the Nature Play space. In addition, we had maintenance works completed on the vegetable gardens as well as compost, pea straw and manure added to the beds in preparation for Autumn planting. A special thank you to the Kent and Ulph families who spent time working on our vegetable gardens over the holiday period. Thank you! Also, I am grateful to Wayne from Bellarine Worms, who donated pea straw and compost to improve our vegetable gardens.


On Thursday 25 April, our student leaders and I will be participating in the Borough of Queenscliffe ANZAC Day march and service from 10:45am starting at Hesse Street Post Office and concluding at Fort Queenscliffe. Our student leaders will present a reading and lay a wreath at the service to pay respects on our school’s behalf. I encourage all of our families to join us for this special commemorative occasion.

Huff n’ Puff

Huff n’ Puff has commenced for Term 2. We encourage all students to arrive at school early, from 8:25am to join in the fun! Huff n’ Puff starts at 8:30am and concludes at 8:50am. It is a wonderful opportunity for our students to get active, join in with their friends and to learn new games and skills.

Earth Day

Yesterday our students and staff celebrated Earth Day. Earth Day is a reminder of the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability, encouraging us to come together and take action for a healthier planet and brighter future. Our Year 5/6 students participated in an excursion hosted by Bellarine Catchment Network. They participated in a biodiversity scavenger hunt and walk to the Queenscliff Main Beach exploring native plants and animals. Our Prep to Year 2 students engaged in a live virtual field trip with Tania Moloney, author of the Nature Ninja book series. Throughout the day, all classes participated in a range of learning activities focused on caring for the environment, sustainability and the impacts of plastic consumption on our world.

Lightning Premiership Soccer

Tomorrow, our Year 5/6 students will represent our school at the Soccer Lightning Premiership competition at Shell Road Reserve. We are delighted to have three teams representing our school and I look forward to seeing our students display sportsmanship, persistence and teamwork on the day. We wish them all the best for their games. Thank you to Mrs. Hannah Petrie, Mrs. Melissa Fitzgerald, Mr. Leigh Churchill and Mrs. Morgan-Lee Hickey for organising training sessions for our students at break times and for organising the event.


Over the past week and a half, our students have participated in swimming lessons at Bellarine Aquatic and Sports Centre in Ocean Grove. It has been wonderful to see our students showing persistence and enthusiasm in their lessons and develop skills in independence and organisation in managing their belongings.

Term Aheads and Parent Calendar

Last Friday, Term Ahead curriculum overviews and Term 2 calendars were sent home to families and also posted onto Compass. The Term Aheads provide a detailed curriculum overview of key content, skills and understandings students will gain throughout Term 2. We encourage families to review the Term Aheads and to display the Term Calendars somewhere visible, like the fridge in the kitchen, so that families can keep up to date with upcoming events. Families can also view our school events calendar on our school website.

Curriculum Day

On Monday 15 April, staff engaged in a professional development day focusing on curriculum planning and peer observations. Throughout Term 2 and Term 3, our teachers will have the opportunity to observe each other in triads and provide feedback using the Quality Teaching Model (QTM). The QTM is an evidence-based framework highlighting three-dimensions that promote quality teaching and assessment practice: Intellectual Quality, Quality Learning Environment and Significance. The QTM’s concepts and language aims to build a shared understanding with our staff on quality teaching to improve student learning outcomes and wellbeing.

Voluntary Financial Contributions for 2024

Thank you to the families who have made their voluntary financial contribution to our school in Term 1 and at the end of 2023. Your contributions make a significant difference to our school and go towards paying for student stationery supplies, subscriptions, specialist learning resources and other educational resources. Without your contributions, our school would not be able to provide high quality, engaging and inclusive learning programs.

Voluntary financial contributions to our school will be based on two categories:

  • Curriculum Contributions of $370 - These financial contributions pay for curriculum items and activities, stationery, online subscriptions and resources for Specialist subjects.

  • Other Contributions of a minimum of $50 - These financial contributions pay for non-curricular items, including playground development, improved technology and our School Building Fund.

We invite families to make their voluntary financial contribution to our school to assist us in purchasing resources and planning for learning programs this year. Payment can be made via credit/debit on Compass or at the school.

For 2024, parents will NOT be asked to purchase book packs or supply stationery. The school has purchased all stationery in bulk and supply the students as they need it throughout the year. Payment for the bulk supply of stationery will be funded by parents’ voluntary contributions for curriculum. Payments for excursions, events and camps in 2024 will not be included in the voluntary financial contributions from families.

Year 5/6 Camp - Camp Adekate

We have had to make changes to our planned Year 5/6 camp due to unforeseen maintenance at Log Cabin camp. As a result, the Year 5/6 Camp has been moved to Monday 6th May to Wednesday 8th May and it will be held at Adekate Camp, located 15 minutes from Log Cabin camp. The camp itinerary will involve a range of engaging outdoor activities, including zip line, archery and damper cooking. Staff attending the camp include Mrs. Hannah Petrie, Mr. Leigh Churchill, Mrs. Morgan-Lee Hickey, Mrs. Cherry Wake and myself. I am very excited about the opportunity to spend quality time with our Year 5/6 students exploring the outdoors and gaining lifelong skills. Families can learn more about Camp Adekate by visiting their website - Camp Adekate.

Prep 2025 Open Morning

Next Monday 29 April, our school is hosting an Open Morning for prospective families for enrolments in Prep in 2025. Families are invited to attend for a school tour and presentation delivered by Mrs. Jackie Morris, our Prep Teacher, and myself. The presentation will provide information to prospective families about our school, including curriculum learning programs, wellbeing initiatives and extracurricular opportunities. If families wish to join us for the Prep 2025 Open Morning, they are encouraged to register by clicking the link below. If families wish to join us for the Prep 2025 Open Morning, they are encouraged to register by clicking the link below.

Register here

Parent Class Representatives

I look forward to meeting with the following class representatives at Shelter Shed next Wednesday 24 April 2024 for a coffee and morning tea at 10:00am.

Prep - Alex Wyatt

Year 1 - Elise Kerney and Laura Clarke

Year 2 - Kelly Clifford and Elisa Brent

3/4TH - Naomi Stacey

3/4F - Guy Le Page

3/4TA - Michelle Grainger

5/6C - Daniela Sayegh

‘Citizen of the Year’ Award Nomination

I would like to congratulate Lisa Golightly, one of our valued parents, member of our School Council and key organiser for the Queenscliff Market, for her nomination in the Borough of Queenscliffe’s 2024 Community Service Awards in the category of ‘Citizen of the Year’. We are deeply proud of Lisa’s nomination and wish her all the best at the Volunteer Celebration on Tuesday 21 May at Point Lonsdale Bowling Club. She is deserving of this nomination and we are grateful for all that she does to support our school and community.

On Thursday 25 April it is ANZAC Day public holiday. Students will not be required to attend school on this day. We hope to see many families at the Borough of Queenscliffe’s march and service.

Nyatne baa Gobata

(Thank you and take care)

Mat McRae


A Message from our Business Manager


Hi everyone,

I’ve had a very nice first week at Queenscliff Primary School, meeting lots of lovely new people.

My school experience includes both primary and secondary, with my most recent local schools being Drysdale Primary School and Newcomb Secondary College.

Prior to these I was the Business Manager at Moreland Primary School and Finance Manager in the office at Brunswick Secondary College in Melbourne.

Many years ago, I lived in Barwon Heads before moving to Melbourne with my husband, for a planned “couple of years”, which turned out to be over twenty. Twenty years of longing to be back, so I was very happy when the position at Newcomb SC came up and we could make the move. We have two sons, 22 and 24, who are living with us in Ocean Grove. Big sigh! (One day we’ll be free).

We also have a cat, Rosie, a crazy kelpie, Toby, and our goldfish, Fishy. I love being back down the coast and being able to walk the dog along the beach and doing a bit of kayaking along the river.

I’m really looking forward to settling in at Queenscliff PS and getting to know everyone. I think I will be very happy here.

Market Roster

Please find Market Roster for this Sunday 28th April and Sunday 26th May 2024

Market Roster
Sunday 26th

Community News


A Message from our Business Manager

Tansy Young

Business Manager



Hi everyone,

I’ve had a very nice first week at Queenscliff Primary School, meeting lots of lovely new people.

My school experience includes both primary and secondary, with my most recent local schools being Drysdale Primary School and Newcomb Secondary College.

Prior to these I was the Business Manager at Moreland Primary School and Finance Manager in the office at Brunswick Secondary College in Melbourne.

Many years ago, I lived in Barwon Heads before moving to Melbourne with my husband, for a planned “couple of years”, which turned out to be over twenty. Twenty years of longing to be back, so I was very happy when the position at Newcomb SC came up and we could make the move. We have two sons, 22 and 24, who are living with us in Ocean Grove. Big sigh! (One day we’ll be free).

We also have a cat, Rosie, a crazy kelpie, Toby, and our goldfish, Fishy. I love being back down the coast and being able to walk the dog along the beach and doing a bit of kayaking along the river.

I’m really looking forward to settling in at Queenscliff PS and getting to know everyone. I think I will be very happy here.
