Principal's Message - 20th August

Dear Queenscliff Parents and Carers,

QPS Art Show

What an absolute show stopper!

Our Art Show titled ‘It's Alive’ was an incredible success and I am grateful to all of our students, parents, families and community members who joined us at the Art Show to celebrate the artistic talents of our students. It was truly a magical event that brought our school community together. It was wonderful to see our students feel a great sense of pride, belonging and excitement in showing their loved ones their artworks on display at the Art Show. Our School Leaders, Elli Smith, Charlie High and Sol Eldridge, hosted a special presentation at 6:00pm whereby the Mayor, Councillor Ross Ebbels addressed our parent community. Also, Melissa Fitzgerald and I made presentations to our Art Show Director, Kelly Caldwell, and key parent volunteers, Naomi Stacey, Tim and Hely Harris, Margie McDonald, Charlie Caldwell and Lisa Golightly.

Our Art Teacher, Kelly Caldwell, led and coordinated the success of our Art Show with the support of staff and our parent community. The quality of student artworks and how they were presented at St George’s School Hall was truly magnificent, reflecting the passion, vision and attention to detail Kelly brings to her Visual Arts specialist program. The Art Show showcased artworks from every student using a range of different mediums and artistic techniques inspired by famous artists and Wadawurrung Country. We are extremely proud of Kelly and our wider school community for bringing an idea to life in such a special and memorable way.

Thank you to all of the parents and families who contributed to the baked sale. The delicious treats truly added to the warmth and vibe of the Art Show, as well as being a key element to our fundraising effort.

The t-shirts and greeting cards were popular and sold out quickly. We understand there were many families and students who did not get an opportunity to purchase their child’s artwork on the merchandise. Due to the nature and size of the event, it was not possible for our school to have every students’ artwork printed on a t-shirt and greeting card. The chosen prints were selected by our school based on a criteria for suitability to be printed onto a card or t-shirt. As student artworks are being sent home with students over the coming weeks, I encourage any families who wish to have their child’s artwork printed onto a t-shirt, they can do so by purchasing iron-on transfer paper from Spotlight or online. Scanning the artwork and then printing it onto iron-on transfer paper to be then ironed onto t-shirts is an effective method. We apologise that some families and students felt disappointed that their artworks were not selected to be featured on the merchandise. Unfortunately, it simply was not feasible for our school to do every students’ artwork. We have some t-shirts left over from the night, there is only a limited number remaining. If you would like to view these and purchase you can do so at the office. See designs available to purchase below:


‘Trivia for Nature’ - Tickets on Sale!

Tickets for our QPS ‘Trivia for Nature’ fundraising event are now on sale. It will be hosted on Friday 6th September at 360Q from 6:00pm. Families are encouraged to book their tables promptly, as there is a limited number of tables available. Tables of 6 people can be purchased for $150.00. All proceeds from the event will go towards building a Nature Play space for our students in our beautiful playground. There will be raffles and prizes available for guests to win on the night. We have one week left for parents to book tables, before we open the event to the wider Queenscliff community.

We are seeking parent volunteers to assist with planning and organising the evening. If you are interested in being part of the committee, please email Mat McRae - . We would love your assistance.

Secure your tickets here!

Science Day

Species Survival: More than Sustainability

On Friday 16 August, our school hosted a Science Day to celebrate National Science Week. This year’s theme was ‘Species Survival: More than Sustainability’. Throughout the day, students participated in 7 science-based workshops in small groups with students from different year levels. Our Year 5/6 students displayed outstanding leadership in supporting our Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students to engage in and transition between workshops. Students participated in experiments on microbes and germs as well as water filtration, planted seedlings in egg cartons, completed a STEM challenge of building a bridge to help possums travel across a highway, research on a native Australian animals and a bug hunt in the playground. At each workshop, groups had to work together to complete challenges and earn sea stars that contributed to their house being awarded house points. It was a highly engaging and informative day for our students. I would like to thank Mrs. Melanie Vistarini for her outstanding leadership and organisation in coordinating such a brilliant event for our students.

Year 4-6 Athletics Day

Last Wednesday 14 August, students in Year 4-6 travelled to Goldsworthy Reserve in Corio to represent our school at a combined schools Athletics Day. Students competed in a range of track and field events, including 100 and 200 metre sprints, 800 metres, relays, shot put, long jump, discuss and high jump. Students represented our school with pride, sportsmanship and persistence. Congratulations to every student who participated in the day. We are extremely proud of your efforts. Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who supported the success of the time by assisting to run track and field events throughout the day.

Snow Sports

This week, we have 5 students competing in the Victorian Interschool Championships at Mount Buller. It is the first time Queenscliff Primary School has entered the competition. We wish Jamie Dean, Miles Garland, Cooper Harandian, Darcy Harandian and Sol Eldridge all the best for the competition, as they compete in snowboarding and skiing events throughout the week.

Year 3/4 Song Room Concert

Last Tuesday 13 August, we hosted a Song Room concert for our Year 3/4 students. Parents and families joined us for the concert, whereby students showcased class performances they have been learning and rehearsing in the Song Room program with Tess Duddy. The performances included singing, choreography and instruments. Congratulations to all of our Year 3/4 students for their participation in the program throughout Semester 1. It has been wonderful to see our students’ confidence and passion for Performing Arts grow over the course of the semester.

Bellarine Storm Basketball Clinic

On Thursday 15 August, our Year 3-6 students participated in an engaging basketball clinic during PE hosted by players from the Bellarine Storm. Students learnt key skills including passing, dribbling and shooting. The Bellarine Storm were highly impressed by our students and commented at the end of the day that they were the ‘most respectful, focused and kind’ students that they had ever worked with in their time delivering basketball clinics in schools across Geelong. Congratulations QPS!

Year 5/6 Embrace Diversity Day

Next Monday 26 August, our Year 5/6 students will participate in an ‘Embrace Diversity’ Day at St Aloysius Primary School. Year 5/6 students from St Aloysius and Point Lonsdale Primary School will also be participating in the day. The focus of the day is on the concepts of Diversity and Acceptance. Students will explore different forms of discrimination throughout a range of workshops and learn about effective strategies to identify and act when discrimination occurs in our daily life by being a 'positive upstander'. It will be an opportunity for Year 5/6 students in the Borough to come together to learn together about important life concepts, fostering greater acceptance and understanding in our community.

Grounds and Gardens

On Wednesday 7 August, Stuart Kent and I were invited to attend the Borough of Queenscliffe’s Community Grant announcement evening at the Brewhouse. Our school was a successful recipient for a $2000 grant to go towards the construction of the bike storage area. I am grateful to the Borough of Queenscliffe for their support and financial contribution to our project.

On Saturday 10th August, Matt Paulka volunteered his day off work to dismantle and clear the chicken coop to make way for the bike storage area. I am extremely grateful to Matt and Emily for their time, machinery, energy and expertise they donated to support us with this exciting project. The next phase of the project, we will look to have a shipping container installed for school storage and for a concrete platform to be constructed for the bike storage area.

Staffing - Education Support Staff

We welcome Mr. Simon Finch who has been appointed as our new Education Support staff member to our Queenscliff Primary School team. Simon has extensive experience in supporting students in classrooms with their learning in a range of school settings and is currently studying his Masters of Education. Please join me in warmly welcoming Simon to our school.


This Friday 23 August, parents and friends are invited to attend our Book Week assembly at 9:00am. We encourage families to join in the fun and dress up as a book character for the Book Week parade. Prep, 5/6PH and First Nations will also showcase learning they have been undertaking in their classrooms.

School Council

On Monday 12th August, the School Council and I met to discuss school operations, finances and fundraising for the school. The School Council unanimously decided to host a Sausage Sizzle fundraiser to be hosted on the final day of Term 3, Friday 20th September on ‘Footy Day’. Students will be able to purchase a sausage sizzle and juice box on the day. In the coming weeks, we will seek parent volunteers via Compass to assist with the Footy Day fundraiser. Our next School Council meeting will be held on Monday 9th September in Week 9.

Nyatne baa Gobata

(Thank you and take care)

Mat McRae


Class News

Year One News

This term, the Year One students have settled back into school routines quickly. The students have been busy practising their literacy and numeracy goals or independent reading in the mornings. Students work towards getting 5 stamps in order to achieve their learning goals and move onto a new one. Students were asked why goals are important. Here are some fantastic responses:

Eve – “So you can get better and be good at writing and maths when you’re older.”

Charlie – “They help you learn lots of stuff. They will help you when you’re older.”

Oliver – “If you don’t know how to do something then you will get a goal and practise it and you will eventually find out how to do it.”

Miles – “If you complete your goal, then you have figured out how to do something new.”

Over the last two weeks, Year one students have also been working in their houses to win their own “olympics” medal. The medals were designed by Hazel, Zara, Max and Elowen.

Students earned house points by demonstrated behaviours that align with our pillars and by achieving personal goals.

The winners are:

1st - Learmonth
2nd - Hobson
- Gellibrand
- Fraser

Congratulations Year Ones on your amazing efforts this term!

Year 5/6C News

This term Grade 5/6C have been learning about transformations and angles in Maths. A transformation occurs when a shape or object translates (slides), reflects (flips) or rotates (turns). Students were given the task of writing their name in block letters and then reflecting their name to create a mirror image. As you can see the students did a wonderful job and created some impressive reflected names!

Grade 3/4TH News

This term, students have been learning about chance and probability by using fractions, decimals, and percentages to describe how likely something is to happen. They practiced using words like "certain," "likely," and "unlikely" to talk about different outcomes. To demonstrate what they learned, the students created a ball drop game where they calculated the chances of landing on different targets, using their new skills in a fun and practical way.

Community News

Principal's Message - 20th August

Mat McRae



Dear Queenscliff Parents and Carers,

QPS Art Show

What an absolute show stopper!

Our Art Show titled ‘It's Alive’ was an incredible success and I am grateful to all of our students, parents, families and community members who joined us at the Art Show to celebrate the artistic talents of our students. It was truly a magical event that brought our school community together. It was wonderful to see our students feel a great sense of pride, belonging and excitement in showing their loved ones their artworks on display at the Art Show. Our School Leaders, Elli Smith, Charlie High and Sol Eldridge, hosted a special presentation at 6:00pm whereby the Mayor, Councillor Ross Ebbels addressed our parent community. Also, Melissa Fitzgerald and I made presentations to our Art Show Director, Kelly Caldwell, and key parent volunteers, Naomi Stacey, Tim and Hely Harris, Margie McDonald, Charlie Caldwell and Lisa Golightly.

Our Art Teacher, Kelly Caldwell, led and coordinated the success of our Art Show with the support of staff and our parent community. The quality of student artworks and how they were presented at St George’s School Hall was truly magnificent, reflecting the passion, vision and attention to detail Kelly brings to her Visual Arts specialist program. The Art Show showcased artworks from every student using a range of different mediums and artistic techniques inspired by famous artists and Wadawurrung Country. We are extremely proud of Kelly and our wider school community for bringing an idea to life in such a special and memorable way.

Thank you to all of the parents and families who contributed to the baked sale. The delicious treats truly added to the warmth and vibe of the Art Show, as well as being a key element to our fundraising effort.

The t-shirts and greeting cards were popular and sold out quickly. We understand there were many families and students who did not get an opportunity to purchase their child’s artwork on the merchandise. Due to the nature and size of the event, it was not possible for our school to have every students’ artwork printed on a t-shirt and greeting card. The chosen prints were selected by our school based on a criteria for suitability to be printed onto a card or t-shirt. As student artworks are being sent home with students over the coming weeks, I encourage any families who wish to have their child’s artwork printed onto a t-shirt, they can do so by purchasing iron-on transfer paper from Spotlight or online. Scanning the artwork and then printing it onto iron-on transfer paper to be then ironed onto t-shirts is an effective method. We apologise that some families and students felt disappointed that their artworks were not selected to be featured on the merchandise. Unfortunately, it simply was not feasible for our school to do every students’ artwork. We have some t-shirts left over from the night, there is only a limited number remaining. If you would like to view these and purchase you can do so at the office. See designs available to purchase below:


‘Trivia for Nature’ - Tickets on Sale!

Tickets for our QPS ‘Trivia for Nature’ fundraising event are now on sale. It will be hosted on Friday 6th September at 360Q from 6:00pm. Families are encouraged to book their tables promptly, as there is a limited number of tables available. Tables of 6 people can be purchased for $150.00. All proceeds from the event will go towards building a Nature Play space for our students in our beautiful playground. There will be raffles and prizes available for guests to win on the night. We have one week left for parents to book tables, before we open the event to the wider Queenscliff community.

We are seeking parent volunteers to assist with planning and organising the evening. If you are interested in being part of the committee, please email Mat McRae - . We would love your assistance.

Secure your tickets here!

Science Day

Species Survival: More than Sustainability

On Friday 16 August, our school hosted a Science Day to celebrate National Science Week. This year’s theme was ‘Species Survival: More than Sustainability’. Throughout the day, students participated in 7 science-based workshops in small groups with students from different year levels. Our Year 5/6 students displayed outstanding leadership in supporting our Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students to engage in and transition between workshops. Students participated in experiments on microbes and germs as well as water filtration, planted seedlings in egg cartons, completed a STEM challenge of building a bridge to help possums travel across a highway, research on a native Australian animals and a bug hunt in the playground. At each workshop, groups had to work together to complete challenges and earn sea stars that contributed to their house being awarded house points. It was a highly engaging and informative day for our students. I would like to thank Mrs. Melanie Vistarini for her outstanding leadership and organisation in coordinating such a brilliant event for our students.

Year 4-6 Athletics Day

Last Wednesday 14 August, students in Year 4-6 travelled to Goldsworthy Reserve in Corio to represent our school at a combined schools Athletics Day. Students competed in a range of track and field events, including 100 and 200 metre sprints, 800 metres, relays, shot put, long jump, discuss and high jump. Students represented our school with pride, sportsmanship and persistence. Congratulations to every student who participated in the day. We are extremely proud of your efforts. Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who supported the success of the time by assisting to run track and field events throughout the day.

Snow Sports

This week, we have 5 students competing in the Victorian Interschool Championships at Mount Buller. It is the first time Queenscliff Primary School has entered the competition. We wish Jamie Dean, Miles Garland, Cooper Harandian, Darcy Harandian and Sol Eldridge all the best for the competition, as they compete in snowboarding and skiing events throughout the week.

Year 3/4 Song Room Concert

Last Tuesday 13 August, we hosted a Song Room concert for our Year 3/4 students. Parents and families joined us for the concert, whereby students showcased class performances they have been learning and rehearsing in the Song Room program with Tess Duddy. The performances included singing, choreography and instruments. Congratulations to all of our Year 3/4 students for their participation in the program throughout Semester 1. It has been wonderful to see our students’ confidence and passion for Performing Arts grow over the course of the semester.

Bellarine Storm Basketball Clinic

On Thursday 15 August, our Year 3-6 students participated in an engaging basketball clinic during PE hosted by players from the Bellarine Storm. Students learnt key skills including passing, dribbling and shooting. The Bellarine Storm were highly impressed by our students and commented at the end of the day that they were the ‘most respectful, focused and kind’ students that they had ever worked with in their time delivering basketball clinics in schools across Geelong. Congratulations QPS!

Year 5/6 Embrace Diversity Day

Next Monday 26 August, our Year 5/6 students will participate in an ‘Embrace Diversity’ Day at St Aloysius Primary School. Year 5/6 students from St Aloysius and Point Lonsdale Primary School will also be participating in the day. The focus of the day is on the concepts of Diversity and Acceptance. Students will explore different forms of discrimination throughout a range of workshops and learn about effective strategies to identify and act when discrimination occurs in our daily life by being a 'positive upstander'. It will be an opportunity for Year 5/6 students in the Borough to come together to learn together about important life concepts, fostering greater acceptance and understanding in our community.

Grounds and Gardens

On Wednesday 7 August, Stuart Kent and I were invited to attend the Borough of Queenscliffe’s Community Grant announcement evening at the Brewhouse. Our school was a successful recipient for a $2000 grant to go towards the construction of the bike storage area. I am grateful to the Borough of Queenscliffe for their support and financial contribution to our project.

On Saturday 10th August, Matt Paulka volunteered his day off work to dismantle and clear the chicken coop to make way for the bike storage area. I am extremely grateful to Matt and Emily for their time, machinery, energy and expertise they donated to support us with this exciting project. The next phase of the project, we will look to have a shipping container installed for school storage and for a concrete platform to be constructed for the bike storage area.

Staffing - Education Support Staff

We welcome Mr. Simon Finch who has been appointed as our new Education Support staff member to our Queenscliff Primary School team. Simon has extensive experience in supporting students in classrooms with their learning in a range of school settings and is currently studying his Masters of Education. Please join me in warmly welcoming Simon to our school.


This Friday 23 August, parents and friends are invited to attend our Book Week assembly at 9:00am. We encourage families to join in the fun and dress up as a book character for the Book Week parade. Prep, 5/6PH and First Nations will also showcase learning they have been undertaking in their classrooms.

School Council

On Monday 12th August, the School Council and I met to discuss school operations, finances and fundraising for the school. The School Council unanimously decided to host a Sausage Sizzle fundraiser to be hosted on the final day of Term 3, Friday 20th September on ‘Footy Day’. Students will be able to purchase a sausage sizzle and juice box on the day. In the coming weeks, we will seek parent volunteers via Compass to assist with the Footy Day fundraiser. Our next School Council meeting will be held on Monday 9th September in Week 9.

Nyatne baa Gobata

(Thank you and take care)

Mat McRae

