Principal's Message - 3rd December

Principal's Message

‘Tis the Season of Giving

As the festive season is upon us, we are organising a special gift drive for Feed Me Bellarine. Families are invited to donate a wrapped gift for a child and place it under the Christmas tree in the foyer from the beginning of next week, Monday 25 November. Please ensure your gift is wrapped and labelled with the gender and age range that is suitable for the gift. If the gift is suitable for both genders, please write ‘neutral’. We will be delivering the donated gifts to Fed Me Bellarine on Friday 20 December.

Transition Day - Tuesday 10 December

On Tuesday 10 December 2024, students will participate in a Transition Day. This will involve your child spending time in their new classroom with their new class for 2025 and they will meet their new class teacher. The transition session will occur from 9am until 1:30pm. The Transition Day aims to reduce your child’s anxieties and worries about the commencement of school in 2025 in knowing more about their class for 2025. Students will participate in a range of activities throughout Transition Day including 'getting to know you' tasks, team building initiatives and developing classroom expectations and agreements for 2025. Students will receive a letter from their teacher and will have an opportunity to write a letter to their new teacher to tell them about themselves, how they learn best, strengths and their interests. After lunch, students will resume back in their current classes for the remainder of the day. Our Prep Class for 2025 will be connected with their buddies for 2025 on this day. Teachers will inform students on their classes for 2025 on Wednesday 4 December.

Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser

On Saturday 30 November, our school hosted a Bunnings BBQ fundraiser to raise funds to support our Nature Play Space project in 2025. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our School Council member, Heidi Boyd, for her outstanding leadership and organisation of the event.

Thank you to the following families who donated supplies for the barbeque, from soft drinks, serviettes, garbage bags to condiments and foil trays. Your donations greatly support the success of the fundraiser.

  • Sayegh Family

  • Evans Family

  • Harris Family

  • Whitton Family

  • Harandian Family

  • Serong Family

  • Follett Family

  • Clingan Family

  • Vistarini Family

  • Fewster Family

  • Thank you to the following volunteers who assisted on the day serving customers, cooking sausages and onions and doing lots of different odd jobs to make it a smooth operation.

  • Heidi and Mat Boyd

  • Martin Monster

  • Andy Gaskell

  • Guy Le Page

  • Belinda Dean

  • Catherine Healy

  • Xavier Fitzgerald

  • James Clifford

  • Mel Vistarini

  • Holly Tatterson

  • Fred Rhoads

  • Fleur Hewitt

  • Graham Hewitt

Overall, the barbecue raised $2000. An impressive result and this event will contribute significantly to the construction of the Nature Play Space in 2025.

Year 5/6 Beach Awareness Program

On Monday 2 December and Tuesday 3 December, students in Year 5/6 participated in a Beach Awareness program. As part of the two day event, students engaged in beach safety training, surfing lessons, beach games and were given a behind the scenes tour of the Ocean Grove Surf Life Saving Club. It was brilliant to see students giving the surfing lessons a go and showing persistence with the waves, challenging themselves to improve their swimming and surfing skills. Students represented our school with pride, showing respect to the guest speakers and surfing instructors. Thank you to Mrs. Melissa Fitzgerald for coordinating the program to provide this wonderful opportunity for our students.

Student Leader Speech Presentations

Last Wednesday 27 November, we had our aspiring candidates for student leadership positions deliver their speeches to students in Year 2 to Year 5 and staff. We were highly impressed and proud of every student who presented a speech, showing courage, determination and effort. Students presented on their character traits, past experiences as a leader and what their vision is for 2025 as a school leader. Well done! Following the speech, students and staff voted on four preferences. Student leaders for 2025 will be determined by their written application, interview, content of their speeches and votes, as well as their history in demonstrating QPS values at school and in the community. The student leaders for 2025 will be announced at our final assembly on Friday 13 December.

SRC Passion Projects

Last week our SRC judged the Passion Projects created by students from Prep to Year 6. We were highly impressed by the creativity, imagination and quality of the projects. Students made dioramas, jewellery, artworks, poems and songs based on the theme of outer space. The Passion Projects are on display in the School Office and we encourage families to come in to view them. On the Class News page you will find the winners of the Passion Projects and photos. Congratulations to the SRC and Miss. Robertson for leading and organising such a wonderful initiative for our students.

SRC House Spelling Bee Competition

On Friday 22 November, students participated in a House Spelling Bee competition led by the SRC. Students competed in their Houses against each other to spell common words based on their age level. We were highly impressed by the courage, determination and persistence shown by students during the competition. Congratulations to the following Spelling Bee champions.

F-1: Edie Green

2-3: Rosie Le Page

4: Nate Thapa

5-6: Tom May

Students earned house points that will go towards the Koonawarra Cup. Congratulations to Gelibrand who were the overall winners.

1st - Gellibrand: 169 points

2nd - Fraser: 142 points

3rd - Learmonth: 117 points

4th - Hobson: 109 points

Grounds and Gardens

Works for the construction of our new Specialist Classroom have commenced this week. A new temporary fence has been installed, and the shade sail will be taken down in the coming week to make room for the new classroom. The installation of the Specialist Classroom is planned for Saturday 14 December and Sunday 15 December. Students have been informed by their class teachers this week to avoid playing close to the fence during break times and teachers on yard duty will ensure students maintain a safe distance whilst the construction is occurring. Students will commence using the new classroom for specialist classes in 2025.

We have had significant progress on the development of the bike storage area over the past week. Over the coming weeks, we will have a slab of concrete laid and a new fence, along with bars for the bike racks. Chris Wilmot (father of Alby and Quinnie Wilmot) has done a tremendous job in leading and coordinating this project. I am extremely grateful for Chris and the crew from Ripview Landscaping, who have volunteered their time and skills to make this project come to fruition. He and his team have done an outstanding job so far, and I encourage families to show their appreciation and support to Chris when you see him around school or in the community. Thank you Chris!

Book and Stationery Packs and Voluntary Contributions 2025

Parents and families received information regarding the 2025 Parent Payments for stationery, curriculum and other contributions to our school. Notes were distributed and information was provided via a Compass notification, including a video presentation explaining how to access the WINC portal.

To access information regarding our School’s Parent Payments for 2025, families can visit our school website using the link below.

Parent Payment Information 2025

To review the video presentation explaining how to access the WINC portal please use the link below.

Parent Payment Video Presentation

Students will be required to bring their book and stationery supplies to school on the first day of school in 2025. Students may wish to label their books with their name and class. We ask that all stationery items are not to be labelled with individual student names. WINC are offering free delivery of your child’s stationery packs if orders are placed by 6 December 2024.

School Saving Bonus

Families will have received an email from for the School Saving Bonus last week on Tuesday 26 November, Wednesday 27 November and Thursday 28 November. The email included the School Saving Bonus code that parents will require to access the online portal. If you have more than one child at our school, you would have received separate emails for each child over the course of the three days.

Families are to access the School Saving Bonus portal by clicking the link below.

School Savings Bonus Portal

Families are encouraged to refer to the Parents and Carers Portal Guide. This guide provides step by step instructions on how to access the portal and how to allocate $400 to uniforms or school activities.

The $400 vouchers are a one-way nomination, so if the family allocated the full $400 towards an item, it cannot be undone. Any unspent voucher money will be transferred to the family’s account at our school after the 30 June 2025. All School Saving Bonus related concerns, questions or issues parents have are to be communicated through the SSB Helpdesk, not through our school directly. Parents can seek support from the SSB Helpdesk by completing the form below.

School Saving Bonus Helpdesk

End of Year Picnic

Our school is hosting an End of Year Picnic and Concert on Friday 6 December from 5pm until 7pm on the school oval. Families are invited to attend and bring along a rug and picnic supplies, including food/snacks and beverages to enjoy the evening. Throughout the afternoon, students will be performing musical and dance numbers to celebrate the end of a fantastic school year. We hope to see you there.

End of Year Class Celebrations and Final Day

Parents will receive information this week regarding class end of year celebrations. Classes will host end of year celebrations on the last day of school on Thursday 19 December. Students will be invited to bring in a plate of food to contribute to their class’ celebration. On Thursday 19 December, school will conclude at 1:00pm. After school care will not be provided on this day.

Final Assembly for 2024

Parents, carers and friends are invited to attend our final assembly for 2024 on Friday 13 December. At this assembly, special awards will be presented to students from each class including an Excellence Award, Endeavour Award and Citizenship Award. In addition to this, we will farewell our Year 6 students and they will be presented with bursaries and awards for their contributions to our school. The Final Assembly will be an opportunity for our school to farewell families who are concluding their learning journey with us in 2024, as their youngest graduates from Year 6. Our School Leaders and House Leaders for 2025 will be announced at the assembly. The Final Assembly will commence at 9am on the basketball courts.

Semester 2 Reports

Families will receive their child’s Semester 2 School Report on Wednesday 18 December via Compass.

School Council

Our final School Council meeting for 2024 will be held on Wednesday 4 December 2024. I look forward to meeting with our School Council members to finalise end of year operations and planning for 2025, and to celebrate their contributions and support in 2024.


Our next assembly will be held in Week 9 on Friday 6 December at 9am. Parents, carers and friends are invited to join us for this celebration.

Nyatne baa Gobata

(Thank you and take care)

Mat McRae


Class News

SRC News

Throughout the term students across the school have been busy making spectacular, space-themed creations for the Passion Projects competition. Students submitted a variety of incredible art pieces, ranging from paintings to songs to sculptures. I am incredibly impressed by the calibre of the creations and the hard work and dedication students put into making their artworks. On Thursday the 28th, the SRC met to view and discuss the Passion Projects. After many discussions, the SRC have selected the following winners from each year level/class.


Year 1

Year 2

1st – Nicholas Houghton

2nd – Sophia Green

3rd – Frankie Fewster

1st – Olive Brown

2nd – Alby Wilmot

3rd – Lucy Forsythe

1st – Alice Kinsman

2nd – Daniel Mauger

3rd – Horace Rhoads



3/4 TH


1st – Maeve Tamblyn

2nd – Clem Vistarini

3rd – Lou Foott

1st – Harper Shipman

2nd – Elis Forsyth

3rd - Macy Monahan

1st: Hugo Stacey

2nd: Heidi Kinsman

3rd: Esther Mclean

1st: Zuri Lapham

2nd: Jack Harris

3rd: Oli Kent

Grade 3/4TH News

Students recently had an exciting opportunity to engage in hands-on learning, where they built and launched water rockets! Working in groups, students explored the forces acting on rockets during launch, flight, and landing. This fun and interactive activity not only inspired curiosity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) but also encouraged teamwork and problem-solving. Every rocket was a success!

Grade 3/4F News

Grade 3/4 students have been exploring and learning about respect, diversity, and positive relationships with peers, others in the school, and the wider community. They have participated in activities that encouraged them to reflect on their own identities, including their likes, dislikes, strengths, and personal goals for the future. By developing an awareness of similarities and differences, students have deepened their understanding of the right to be themselves and the importance of fostering inclusive respect for one another.

Class discussions have recently focused on the gendered messages commonly portrayed in traditional fairy tales. These conversations have sparked meaningful and inspiring discussions, with students sharing incredible depth and perspective as they questioned and sought to understand positive gender relations.

As part of this learning, students co-created a task criterion to design a book cover for a fairy tale/story that challenges stereotypes around characters, gender, identity, inclusivity, and diversity (their words!). Through this process, they demonstrated critical thinking and creativity.

We invite you to enjoy the wonderful Year 3/4F book covers and blurbs, which reflect their insights and ideas!

3/4 F - Book Cover & Blurbs

Fea and Sam are both in the role of a princess at their Kingdom. They’re forced to meet and marry a wealthy prince, but when Fea and Sam met at a Christmas dinner, they realise that they have an unbreakable bond and couldn’t be separated again!
- Eva

Once upon a time…wait, this is how normal fairy tales begin…but this is no ordinary fairytale! ‘My book cover challenges the idea of stereotypical characters in stories. My main character is non-binary.
- Elis

It doesn’t matter what you’re like on the outside to be special on the inside. Two enemies were arguing, when suddenly they were helped by magic from the Fairy with a jetpack. They were taught by the fairy that being friends is okay, even if you are different.
- Harper

In Wolf on the Road, the girl scares the wolf, and the story aims to challenge stereotypes. The girl has short hair and would never choose to wear a dress, and the wolf is kind.
- Alice

Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess. He found the perfect princess, but he was stolen on the day of the marriage. The princess set off to save the prince. This princess was a daredevil and rode a motor bike carrying a sword. She found the prince captive. She defeated everyone in her way, even the almighty Shadow Knight. She saved the prince, but didn’t marry him because he was very selfish. The princess lives happily ever after.
- Jarrah

The story is based on a kind, gentle wolf who is tricked by a mean, untrusting girl. My idea swaps the stereotypical traits seen in many traditional fairytale characters.
- Eddie

This is the tale of a princess who decides she is more than a useless thing stuck in a tower. She decides to save herself without the help of a prince. I am challenging stereotypical character traits found in many traditional fairytales.

Prince Pom-Pom is in trouble; a witch is planning to poison the prince! Can Princess Charming save him from poison?

Science News

This term in Science the preps, grade ones and grade twos have been learning all about Earth and Space and more specifically, Observable changes that occur in the sky and landscape. To begin the term students went rainbow hunting and were able to create rainbows with the help of some water, a mirror and the sun. Using other materials they created rainbows inside too. Next they created 'cloud spotters' to learn about different kinds of clouds and created their own cloud in a jar. Students are now focussing on the four seasons and the observable changes that come with each season.

In grade 3/4 students looked at friction and motion observing how different materials move on different surfaces. They then moved on to learning all about simple machines; Lever, Pulley, Wheel & axle, Inclined plane, Screw and Wedge. Students worked in small teams to create marble runs, levers, ski-lifts and rubber band powered cars.

Science in grade 5/6 this term began with facts about our Solar System. Students did their own research to discover more about specific planets of interest and also compared their sizes and distance from one another. They then moved on to layers of Earth, weather patterns and natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis and how these affect the Earth's surface. Students created their own anemometer to measure the wind speed and created a 'cyclone in a bottle'.

On Friday 15th November Mrs Vistarini was invited to attend the Melbourne Zoo Enrichment Design Showcase Day with 10 students. This followed on from the 3/4 and 5/6 students spending the majority of the first half of the year researching, designing, creating and presenting their own enrichment designs for specific zoo animals. This was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the hard work students had put in to their designs and also observe enrichment designs from other schools across the state. Thank you to Mrs Fitzgerald for driving us on the bus.

Wellbeing News

Kindness is Key - Wellbeing Project

During one of our wellbeing sessions earlier this term, our Year 3-6 students took time to reflect on the year that has passed. Together, they discussed hurtful words or phrases they may have heard in our school or community that don’t align with our values. This led to meaningful conversations about the importance of diversity and how, at QPS, we are committed to accepting everyone—regardless of race, colour, religion, disability, gender, or any other difference.

Inspired by these discussions, the students created vibrant posters filled with positive words and phrases they want to see embraced at our school.

Building on this, a small group of talented musicians from Years 3 and 4 came together to write a song using the messages from these posters. Last week, these students had an exciting opportunity to spend the day in a recording studio, bringing their song to life! This creative project will serve as a powerful learning resource to promote diversity and inclusion.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Nick Huggins for generously giving his time to record the song with our students. How fortunate we are to have such talented and supportive families contributing to our QPS community!

Community News

Principal's Message - 3rd December

Mat McRae



Principal's Message

‘Tis the Season of Giving

As the festive season is upon us, we are organising a special gift drive for Feed Me Bellarine. Families are invited to donate a wrapped gift for a child and place it under the Christmas tree in the foyer from the beginning of next week, Monday 25 November. Please ensure your gift is wrapped and labelled with the gender and age range that is suitable for the gift. If the gift is suitable for both genders, please write ‘neutral’. We will be delivering the donated gifts to Fed Me Bellarine on Friday 20 December.

Transition Day - Tuesday 10 December

On Tuesday 10 December 2024, students will participate in a Transition Day. This will involve your child spending time in their new classroom with their new class for 2025 and they will meet their new class teacher. The transition session will occur from 9am until 1:30pm. The Transition Day aims to reduce your child’s anxieties and worries about the commencement of school in 2025 in knowing more about their class for 2025. Students will participate in a range of activities throughout Transition Day including 'getting to know you' tasks, team building initiatives and developing classroom expectations and agreements for 2025. Students will receive a letter from their teacher and will have an opportunity to write a letter to their new teacher to tell them about themselves, how they learn best, strengths and their interests. After lunch, students will resume back in their current classes for the remainder of the day. Our Prep Class for 2025 will be connected with their buddies for 2025 on this day. Teachers will inform students on their classes for 2025 on Wednesday 4 December.

Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser

On Saturday 30 November, our school hosted a Bunnings BBQ fundraiser to raise funds to support our Nature Play Space project in 2025. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our School Council member, Heidi Boyd, for her outstanding leadership and organisation of the event.

Thank you to the following families who donated supplies for the barbeque, from soft drinks, serviettes, garbage bags to condiments and foil trays. Your donations greatly support the success of the fundraiser.

  • Sayegh Family

  • Evans Family

  • Harris Family

  • Whitton Family

  • Harandian Family

  • Serong Family

  • Follett Family

  • Clingan Family

  • Vistarini Family

  • Fewster Family

  • Thank you to the following volunteers who assisted on the day serving customers, cooking sausages and onions and doing lots of different odd jobs to make it a smooth operation.

  • Heidi and Mat Boyd

  • Martin Monster

  • Andy Gaskell

  • Guy Le Page

  • Belinda Dean

  • Catherine Healy

  • Xavier Fitzgerald

  • James Clifford

  • Mel Vistarini

  • Holly Tatterson

  • Fred Rhoads

  • Fleur Hewitt

  • Graham Hewitt

Overall, the barbecue raised $2000. An impressive result and this event will contribute significantly to the construction of the Nature Play Space in 2025.

Year 5/6 Beach Awareness Program

On Monday 2 December and Tuesday 3 December, students in Year 5/6 participated in a Beach Awareness program. As part of the two day event, students engaged in beach safety training, surfing lessons, beach games and were given a behind the scenes tour of the Ocean Grove Surf Life Saving Club. It was brilliant to see students giving the surfing lessons a go and showing persistence with the waves, challenging themselves to improve their swimming and surfing skills. Students represented our school with pride, showing respect to the guest speakers and surfing instructors. Thank you to Mrs. Melissa Fitzgerald for coordinating the program to provide this wonderful opportunity for our students.

Student Leader Speech Presentations

Last Wednesday 27 November, we had our aspiring candidates for student leadership positions deliver their speeches to students in Year 2 to Year 5 and staff. We were highly impressed and proud of every student who presented a speech, showing courage, determination and effort. Students presented on their character traits, past experiences as a leader and what their vision is for 2025 as a school leader. Well done! Following the speech, students and staff voted on four preferences. Student leaders for 2025 will be determined by their written application, interview, content of their speeches and votes, as well as their history in demonstrating QPS values at school and in the community. The student leaders for 2025 will be announced at our final assembly on Friday 13 December.

SRC Passion Projects

Last week our SRC judged the Passion Projects created by students from Prep to Year 6. We were highly impressed by the creativity, imagination and quality of the projects. Students made dioramas, jewellery, artworks, poems and songs based on the theme of outer space. The Passion Projects are on display in the School Office and we encourage families to come in to view them. On the Class News page you will find the winners of the Passion Projects and photos. Congratulations to the SRC and Miss. Robertson for leading and organising such a wonderful initiative for our students.

SRC House Spelling Bee Competition

On Friday 22 November, students participated in a House Spelling Bee competition led by the SRC. Students competed in their Houses against each other to spell common words based on their age level. We were highly impressed by the courage, determination and persistence shown by students during the competition. Congratulations to the following Spelling Bee champions.

F-1: Edie Green

2-3: Rosie Le Page

4: Nate Thapa

5-6: Tom May

Students earned house points that will go towards the Koonawarra Cup. Congratulations to Gelibrand who were the overall winners.

1st - Gellibrand: 169 points

2nd - Fraser: 142 points

3rd - Learmonth: 117 points

4th - Hobson: 109 points

Grounds and Gardens

Works for the construction of our new Specialist Classroom have commenced this week. A new temporary fence has been installed, and the shade sail will be taken down in the coming week to make room for the new classroom. The installation of the Specialist Classroom is planned for Saturday 14 December and Sunday 15 December. Students have been informed by their class teachers this week to avoid playing close to the fence during break times and teachers on yard duty will ensure students maintain a safe distance whilst the construction is occurring. Students will commence using the new classroom for specialist classes in 2025.

We have had significant progress on the development of the bike storage area over the past week. Over the coming weeks, we will have a slab of concrete laid and a new fence, along with bars for the bike racks. Chris Wilmot (father of Alby and Quinnie Wilmot) has done a tremendous job in leading and coordinating this project. I am extremely grateful for Chris and the crew from Ripview Landscaping, who have volunteered their time and skills to make this project come to fruition. He and his team have done an outstanding job so far, and I encourage families to show their appreciation and support to Chris when you see him around school or in the community. Thank you Chris!

Book and Stationery Packs and Voluntary Contributions 2025

Parents and families received information regarding the 2025 Parent Payments for stationery, curriculum and other contributions to our school. Notes were distributed and information was provided via a Compass notification, including a video presentation explaining how to access the WINC portal.

To access information regarding our School’s Parent Payments for 2025, families can visit our school website using the link below.

Parent Payment Information 2025

To review the video presentation explaining how to access the WINC portal please use the link below.

Parent Payment Video Presentation

Students will be required to bring their book and stationery supplies to school on the first day of school in 2025. Students may wish to label their books with their name and class. We ask that all stationery items are not to be labelled with individual student names. WINC are offering free delivery of your child’s stationery packs if orders are placed by 6 December 2024.

School Saving Bonus

Families will have received an email from for the School Saving Bonus last week on Tuesday 26 November, Wednesday 27 November and Thursday 28 November. The email included the School Saving Bonus code that parents will require to access the online portal. If you have more than one child at our school, you would have received separate emails for each child over the course of the three days.

Families are to access the School Saving Bonus portal by clicking the link below.

School Savings Bonus Portal

Families are encouraged to refer to the Parents and Carers Portal Guide. This guide provides step by step instructions on how to access the portal and how to allocate $400 to uniforms or school activities.

The $400 vouchers are a one-way nomination, so if the family allocated the full $400 towards an item, it cannot be undone. Any unspent voucher money will be transferred to the family’s account at our school after the 30 June 2025. All School Saving Bonus related concerns, questions or issues parents have are to be communicated through the SSB Helpdesk, not through our school directly. Parents can seek support from the SSB Helpdesk by completing the form below.

School Saving Bonus Helpdesk

End of Year Picnic

Our school is hosting an End of Year Picnic and Concert on Friday 6 December from 5pm until 7pm on the school oval. Families are invited to attend and bring along a rug and picnic supplies, including food/snacks and beverages to enjoy the evening. Throughout the afternoon, students will be performing musical and dance numbers to celebrate the end of a fantastic school year. We hope to see you there.

End of Year Class Celebrations and Final Day

Parents will receive information this week regarding class end of year celebrations. Classes will host end of year celebrations on the last day of school on Thursday 19 December. Students will be invited to bring in a plate of food to contribute to their class’ celebration. On Thursday 19 December, school will conclude at 1:00pm. After school care will not be provided on this day.

Final Assembly for 2024

Parents, carers and friends are invited to attend our final assembly for 2024 on Friday 13 December. At this assembly, special awards will be presented to students from each class including an Excellence Award, Endeavour Award and Citizenship Award. In addition to this, we will farewell our Year 6 students and they will be presented with bursaries and awards for their contributions to our school. The Final Assembly will be an opportunity for our school to farewell families who are concluding their learning journey with us in 2024, as their youngest graduates from Year 6. Our School Leaders and House Leaders for 2025 will be announced at the assembly. The Final Assembly will commence at 9am on the basketball courts.

Semester 2 Reports

Families will receive their child’s Semester 2 School Report on Wednesday 18 December via Compass.

School Council

Our final School Council meeting for 2024 will be held on Wednesday 4 December 2024. I look forward to meeting with our School Council members to finalise end of year operations and planning for 2025, and to celebrate their contributions and support in 2024.


Our next assembly will be held in Week 9 on Friday 6 December at 9am. Parents, carers and friends are invited to join us for this celebration.

Nyatne baa Gobata

(Thank you and take care)

Mat McRae

