Dear Queenscliff Parents and Carers,
We have officially launched our new Queenscliff Primary School website today! The redesign of the website aims to improve our Schools communication with families on upcoming events, curriculum programs and operations so that our parent community feels more informed about what is happening at their child’s school. The school newsletter will continue to be distributed fortnightly, however, will be accessed now via the website rather than a document on Compass. Families can subscribe to the website to receive notifications on when updates occur to the website. I encourage families to take time to explore the website to learn more about our school and what we offer for you and your child’s education. I would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to Mrs. Ebony Tannouri, who has worked tirelessly on the redesign of the school website, compiling photos and content for our website so that it is comprehensive and informative for our parent community.
Parent Information Evening
Last Tuesday 13 February, our teachers hosted a Parent Information Evening to communicate to families our classroom and school procedures, curriculum information and key events. I would like to extend my appreciation to all of the parents and carers who were able to attend the evening and to thank our teachers for their outstanding presentations. The presentations can be accessed via Compass for those families who were unable to attend the evening.
Parent and Teacher Meet and Greets
There has been a buzz about the school throughout this week, as families have scheduled appointments to meet with their child’s classroom teacher or specialist teachers as part of the Meet and Greet Parent and Teacher Interviews. The teachers have felt that these meetings have been extremely valuable in helping them learn more about your child’s strengths, interests and goals for 2024. It has also been a wonderful opportunity for families to meet and get to know our teachers.
We have our very first assembly for 2024 on Friday 23 February 2024 commencing at 9:00am. I encourage all of parents, carers, friends and community members to come along and join for our special gathering.
School Council Nominations
Nominations for School Council are currently open. Parents can collect nomination forms from our School Office. Parents may wish to self-nominate themselves for the position or have another member of our community nominate them for the position. Nominations will close on Monday 26 February 2024. All signed nomination forms are to be returned to the School Office or emailed to by the closing date to be considered.
Depending on the number of nominations, a ballot will be formed for the community to vote for our parent members to join the School Council. Ballots forms can be collected from the School Office and forms will be emailed to all families. All completed ballot forms must be submitted in person at the School Office or sent via post. The Ballot process will open on Wednesday 28 February 2024 and close on Friday 15 March 2024.
Parent Class Representatives
We are seeking 2 parents to be Class Representatives for each class in 2024. Parent Representatives aim to increase the communication between the school and parent community. Class Representatives will meet with the School Leadership Team termly and facilitate communication in organising class/grade level events outside of school hours. Class Representatives will also assist in organising parent volunteers for school events, functions and fundraisers. Parents and carers who are interested in being a Class Representative for their child’s class are to email the School Office at . Registrations for Class Representatives will close on Friday 1 March 2024.
District Cricket - Lightning Premiership
On Friday 23 February, we have 24 Year 5/6 students representing Queenscliff Primary School at the Lightning Premiership Cricket competition held at PortArlington Recreation Reserve. I wish our students all the best on the day and I know they will represent our school with pride and sportsmanship. Thank you to the parents and carers who have offered their support in volunteering on the day to umpire and assist with scoring.
Year 2 and 3 ‘Defiance Goes to Sea’ Book Launch
Last Friday 16 February, our Year 2 and 3 students ventured to the Queenscliffe Maritime Musuem for the ‘Defiance Goes to Sea’ Book Launch. Students listened to the reading of the new book celebrating the significance and history of the pilot boats in our community and watched as canons were launched. They were joined by students from St Aloysius Primary School and our mayor, Isabelle Tolhurst for the special occasion. Our students enjoyed learning more about the history of the pilot boats and how it forms part of our identity and sense of belonging within the community.
Song Room
This week, our Year 3/4 students commenced their engagement in the Song Room program with their teaching artist, Tess Duddy. Our students will participate in the performing arts and wellbeing program each week for 1 hour. The Year 3/4 cohort over the course of the semester will develop skills around movement, song, dance and drama that will combine into a performance in Term 3. We look forward to seeing the magic Tess and Song Room creates with our students.
School Photos
On Tuesday 27 February, our School Photos are scheduled. Students are to come to school in their full school uniform ready for their photos to be taken. Students are to have their hair styled neatly and we look forward to our school yard full of students wearing QPS polo tops, navy pants or shorts with navy or white socks. Girls can also wear their red and white school dresses if they choose. Photos will commence at 9:00am. Parents will be provided with information via Compass and unique image codes will be given to your child on the day of school photos, for families to register online to select and pay for photos.
![School Photos](
Prep and Year 1 Parent Volunteer Induction
On 7 March 2024, we are hosting a Prep and Year 1 Parent Volunteer Induction session at 3:15pm. Parents and family members who wish to volunteer in these classrooms must complete the Induction Training in order to be considered for volunteering. As part of the program, volunteers must have a Working with Children Check completed. Parents and family members can register for the Parent Volunteer Induction program by clicking the link below. Further information will be distributed to families closer to the Induction Training.
Prep to Year 2 Literacy Information Session
We are hosting a Prep to Year 2 Literacy Information session for families on Monday 26 February 2024 from 3:15pm until 4:00pm. The Literacy Information session aims to provide families and parents with practical, evidence-based strategies to support your child’s oral language, reading, spelling and writing development at home. Our teachers will provide valuable advice, strategies and activities to support literacy learning at home. Parents and carers can register for the Prep to Year 2 Literacy Information session by clicking the link below. For families who are unable to attend in person, a link will be sent via email to allow families to access the Literacy Information session online.
Easter Raffle
Easter is fast approaching and we are excited to announce our QPS Easter Raffle fundrasier. This year we invite students and families to donate items to go towards compiling a class Easter Hamper that will be drawn as part of our Easter Raffle. We aim to create 8 Easter Hampers, one for each class. Our Easter Raffle aims to raise funds to improve our gardens and grounds. Our vision in 2024 is to create a nature play space, sandpit and bike storage shed for our students and community. All funds raised from the Easter Raffle will go towards funding these projects.
We encourage families and students to donate any items that would make someone's Easter extra special. This could include chocolate, vouchers, soaps, soft toys and other special nick knacks. Students and families may wish to bring their donated items to the School Office or give to their classroom teacher. Each item donated will go towards your child's class hamper. If families do not wish to donate an item, they can make a financial contribution to the hampers and items will be purchased with the donated funds to be added into the hamper.
Over the coming week, each family will be given raffle tickets and instructions on how to sell the tickets for the Easter Raffle. Tickets can be sold for $2.00 each or 3 tickets for $5.00. We ask for all items to be donated to the raffle, and the funds raised for ticket selling to be returned to the School Office by Wednesday 20 March 2024. We ask for the funds raised from the raffle tickets to be returned in an envelope with your child's name and class. All unsold raffle tickets are to be returned to the School Office along with the donated funds. The raffle will be drawn at our final assembly for Term 1 on Thursday 28 March at 9:00am.
We thank you for your support in this exciting Egg-Cellent fundraiser!
Financial Contributions
I would like to extend my gratitude to families who have paid voluntary financial contributions at the end of last year and at the beginning of this year. We are continuing to accept contributions from families until the end of Term 1. All students have been provided with their necessary stationery supplies and learning resources this year, and we would be grateful to families for their financial contributions to assist in covering the costs of these resources and to support our Specialist program materials/equipment. Thank you for your support and valued contributions to our school.Voluntary financial contributions to our school will be based on two categories:Curriculum Contributions of $370 - These financial contributions pay for curriculum items and activities, stationery, online subscriptions and resources for Specialist subjects. Other Contributions of a minimum of $50 - These financial contributions pay for non-curricular items, including playground development, improved technology and our School Building Fund. Payment can be made via credit/debit on Compass or at the School Office.
Gardens and Grounds Committee
Our Gardens and Grounds Committee will be meeting next Thursday 29 February to devise goals and a master plan for improving our grounds so that our school is a safe, engaging and imaginative space for our students to learn and play. A focus for our fundraising efforts this year will be going towards improving our grounds, including building a sandpit, nature play space and sensory garden for our students. I would like to thank Nathan Ulph, Ebony Tannour, Jackie Morris, Melissa Fitzgerald, Hazel Brown, Stuart Kent, Richard Fewster, Chris Wilmot and Yolanda Wosny for volunteering their time and enthusiasm to form the committee.
Nyatne baa Gobata
(Thank you and take care)
Mat McRae