Students are required to attend school each day to enrich their academic, social and emotional development. If your child is absent, parents are required to provide an explanation/reason for the absence by phoning the school on 5258 1696, email or log onto the Compass App.
If your child is late or has to attend an appointment during the school day, parents are required to phone, write a note in your child’s diary or accompany your child to the office.
Parents will receive an SMS message notification when their child is absent without an explanation. Parents are encouraged to ensure they provide a reason for student absences.
If a student is absent for more than 2 days consecutively, the school will make contact with the family to check in on the wellbeing of the student and family. Prolonged absences and chronic lateness, which has not been communicated to the school, will result in a letter being sent home to families requesting an explanation of your child’s late arrival or absence. Parent’s will also receive a phone call from your child’s teacher, Leader of Wellbeing or Principal if the school has not received an explanation.
We understand there are times when a child needs to be absent from school, including illness or family circumstances, however, these should be a rarity rather than a norm and should be communicated to the school.